Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kicking My Butt

I recently started reading a book called Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

I know what you are thinking. "JJ this book came out like 2 years ago, why are you just now reading it?" Well, I'm sorry I have had other books to read and other things going on in my life! ha ha, but serious, started reading this book and I am maybe a 1/4 of the way through and already it is "kicking my butt" as this post is apply named.

Francis starts the book by just going through some simple reminders of who God is in this universe. Just simple (when I say simple here I mean common knowledge, learned this in VBS as a kid, not that God is simple and easily understood) but huge things that are so great about God and remind me of what I should be doing and that is worshiping an almighty God and glorifying him with every breath.

We question God so much when that is not our place. If we really believe that God is All Powerful, All Knowing, in all things, and of all things, why do we question Him on everything? If He is all of those things and you truly believe that then why when something like what happened in Japan happens to we immediately start questioning Him about it instead of praising Him? That sounds morbid doesn't it? but stick with me here. If God is all knowing, complete love, and complete justice, then do we not think He has a plan or purpose for that event or those people? The truth here is this, God is not a reactionary God. He has a plan and purpose. We continue to try to understand him by our view of justice and love when He is so far above us it is silly. So, in all things, praise Him. In life, death, tragedy, blessing, wealth, PRAISE HIM.

until next time,


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